Guinea's mines unveiled

Guinea's mines unveiled

24,00 €
22,80 € Économisez 5%
This book represents the first comprehensive publication on the development of the Guinean mining sector from 2016 to 2020.

This period witnessed a record investment of $6.2 billion and implemented reforms that laid the foundations for unprecedented growth.

Beyond presenting the facts, the author delves into the major issues and challenges faced by the sector, along with the initiatives taken to address them.

Through a combination of facts, events, analyses, and personal anecdotes, the author, who led the Ministry of Mines for five years and eight months, provides insights that allow readers to grasp the complexities of the industry, understand its dynamics, and envision its role in the national and international context, where Guinea is increasingly becoming a significant player.
Format : Papier

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Frais d'envoi limités à 4,90 € pour la France métropolitaine quel que soit le nombre d'articles. Délai de livraison : 2 à 5 jours.
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Born in 1976 in Macenta, located in southern Guinea, Abdoulaye MAGASSOUBA held the position of Minister of Mines and Geology of Guinea from January 4, 2016, to September 5, 2021.

An economist by profession, he served as an advisor to President Alpha Condé, overseeing priority projects in the mining, energy, and agriculture sectors from March 2013 until his appointment as Minister of Mines and Geology.

Before joining the Presidency of the Republic, Magassouba built his career in the private sector, notably at KPMG, where he focused on consulting, technical assistance, and auditing of public and private sector entities in Guinea.

Additionally, he worked as a teaching and research assistant at the Center for Development Economics at Williams College in Massachusetts, USA. Magassouba completed his secondary and university studies in Guinea and Morocco, where he graduated in Financial Management.

With the prestigious Fulbright Scholarship, he earned a Master’s Degree in Policy Economics, specializing in development economics, from Williams College in the USA.

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Abdoulaye Magassouba
Guinée Guinée

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